




三、主要成果主持西北师范大学2020年度青年教师科研能力提升计划项目一项。近年来在Molecular PharmaceuticsChemical CommunicationsToxicology and Applied Pharmacology等国内外刊物上发表学术论文10余篇。


[1] Ruijuan Liu, Danfeng Shi, Junmin Zhang, Xinming Li, Xiao Han, Xiaojun Yao, Jianguo Fang*. Xanthatin promotes apoptosis via inhibiting thioredoxin reductase and eliciting oxidative stress[J]. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2018, 15(8): 3285-3296.

[2] Ruijuan Liu, Danfeng Shi, Junmin Zhang, Xinming Li, Xiao Han, Xiaojun Yao*, Jianguo Fang*. Virtual screening-guided discovery of thioredoxin reductase inhibitors[J]. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2019, 370: 106-116.

[3] Wang Baojun, Liu Ruijuan, Fang Jianguo, Wang Yawen, Peng Yu*. A water-soluble dual-site fluorescent probe for the rapid detection of cysteine with high sensitivity and specificity[J]. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(78): 11762-11765.

[4]Du Wei, Liu Ruijuan, Fang Jianguo, Gao Hong, Wang Yawen, Peng Yu*. Two chemodosimeters for fluorescence recognition of biothiols in aqueous solution and their bioimaging application[J]. Tetrahedron, 2019, 75(36): 130477.

[5]Junmin Zhang, Xinming Li, Xiao Han, Ruijuan Liu, Jianguo Fang*. Targeting the thioredoxin system for cancer therapy[J]. Trends in pharmacological sciences, 2017, 38(9): 794-808.  

[6] Junmin Zhang, Baoxin Zhang, Xinming Li, Xiao Han, Ruijuan Liu, Jianguo Fang*. Small molecule inhibitors of mammalian thioredoxin reductase as potential anticancer agents: An update[J]. Medicinal research reviews, 2019, 39(1): 5-39.  

[7] Liangwei Zhang, Shoujiao Peng, Jinyu Sun, Ruijuan Liu, Jianguo Fang*. A ratiometric fluorescent probe of methionine sulfoxide reductase with an improved response rate. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(10), 1502-1505.  




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